That’s Bruce on the far left, Cheung is the groom and I am on the far right.
The three of us met 25 years ago while living in the same college dorm.
Cheung and I were roommates then. Cheung’s lovely bride is Cindy; that’s Davin in back of me.

The following pictures were taken at Hong Kong Park. The park had fountains, artificial lakes, and the wedding registry.

Before going to Hong Kong for the first time, I asked my travel agent about language. She said it wouldn’t be a problem as HK was a British colony and everyone spoke English. The truth is, students learn English in school but many don’t practice it and therefore, many don’t speak it.

We finally found a restaurant where one person spoke some English. When we looked around the restaurant, we saw some interesting looking meals. When we inquired as to what they were, the waiter thought we wanted to order it. We had plenty to eat.